Bible Therapy will be held Wednesday evening at 7 pm. All are welcome!
Jesus is the Reason, annual Christmas Celebration on December 18th at 4 P.M. Christmas dinner will be served.
White flowers are needed for the altar every first (1st) Sunday. If you would like to participate by giving flowers, in loving memory of, in honor of, or to give in your name, click below to send a message to our office.
Reminder: Our ability to meet in person is contingent upon our covenant to wear masks when not making presentations. Masks allow us to protect those who are at the greatest risk in our congregation. We ask that you continue to wear masks while in worship.
We encourage everyone to get their COVID booster shots today! Click here for more info about the shot. Vaccines are available at many pharmacies and doctor's offices. Click here to find a place near you!
Happy Birthday to everyone born in the month of December!